Saturday, December 11, 2010

Haaaaaappy December folks =)

Posted by Komal RK at 11:50 PM
Winters always do this to me! I love December, no not just because it’s my birthmonth; there’s a whole lot of things about the month that just make it the best. For one, my calendar is scribbled the most on this month, so many happy occasions! Well I’ll ignore the fact that there are so many to steal my thunder but w-o-w so many birthdays in and close to December!

Studying at St.Ann’s, this was the one time that we would look forward to the most;students and teachers alike. The entire atmosphere in school would turn festive and there would always be that cheerful mood about everyone and no not even exams could dampen them. Christmas time! Santa visiting school, giving out gifts, Christmas decorations adorning the place, Christmas carols, just every thing Christmas! Holiday season; even now after all these years.

The food! It's called holiday weight for a reason ;) And it's pardonable, the world can cut you some slack there it's the holidays! So go ahead, BINGE!

Ooooh and the weather! I don’t mind early morning sunshine but I’m more of a Winter person. I’d rather go teeth-clattering my way than sweating; ANY day. The woolens, the warm bed, the comforters, the feel of a cup of hot chocolate in your cold freezing hands…wowie right!? I know a lot of people crave for some sunshine but I don’t mind, I mean we have enough of it throughout the year can I not have just ONE month of my favourite weather? Not like we aren’t doing enough to see to it that we never have winters again; we’ve done enough damage already.

Also the fact that this is the last month of the year would have a lot to do with it being different, special if I may say so. The year’s gone by, I speculate, going through the past events, my life the last year, knowing what I’ve done right, accepting my mistakes, realizing where I went wrong, wanting to change things, wishing to end the year on the positive note that I still have myself, I still have those who love and cherish me around, getting the right perspective of things, seeing how things happen for a reason and finally feeling glad they turned out the way they did even if then they seemed horrid, being thankful for all of it, getting the wish-list for next year ready too ;), and finally getting ready to bid adieu to the year, letting bygones be bygones, and stepping into the new year with a high that’s got nothing to do with alcohol :P

DECEMBER! I love thee :D You’ve always been a happy month for me and I hope that continues to be the case forevermore.

Go *brrrrr..* Go green. Save my December! Oh and HAPPY HOLIDAYS =)


Appu said...

Ur post makes me like the month too :P Gud one.


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